Saturday, June 20, 2009

The Wedding Week

Tony and I got back on Tuesday, June 16, 2009. It was just 6 days, but enough happened to last a whole lifetime. I had many misgivings as we left for MacArthur airport, and they were well grounded. When we finally got there after taking the wrong turn and getting stuck in traffic, I dashed out of the car grabbed two bags, and some papers, because I didn't have a boarding pass. The pass was issued promptly with no questions asked. We both needed wheelchairs and went inside the terminal to wait for them. As I looked around, Joe, our driver, and the car were gone and SO WAS MY PURSE IN THE BACKSEAT OF HIS CAR. I had no ID. Joe had no cell phone, and I didn't even have his home phone number. (It was in my little red book in my purse in the car). I hobbled up to the nearest boarding station, and was told to go to the police. My main concern was to contact Joe and get his telephone number. The police did not have the telephone book with the white pages. I used a pay phone for information, only to learn that his number is unlisted. i was devastated, completely unhinged. BUT,there are angels even in airports, and they come in many unusual forms. Gladys, my wheelchair escort, prompted me to go straight to security since I did have a boarding pass. Tony was all set, but would not leave without me.
Boarding time was swiftly approaching. Gladys, my angel, pushed me as fast as she could to the security policeman, another angel called Glenn. He proceeded to look through my carry-on bag which contained all my medications. There was no ID on anything. Finally, he opened the insulated case with my insulin. For some reason, I
always put my insulin in old pill holders, and he finally found one with my name on it. We just made the plane with Gladys' help. But how was to get my purse? I had no address for the house in Cape Hattaras where we were staying with Christine and Dave. So our trip for this wonderful occasion, the wedding of our "number one" grand daughter, began.
As Paul Harvey would say,"Now for the rest of the story."

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